Actually FINDING race car sponsorship is not easy – I know – trust me ! – I haven’t done too badly in this regard myself, but having a sales / marketing / business background helped me I’m sure.
I happened across this $47 guide on the web, and although I can’t endorse it fully yet because I haven’t read it, from what I’ve seen of the author, who has been in this business for ever it seems – it offers a lot of valuable information for a tiny “investment” apparently.
Pictured are some of my race cars through the years with my sponsors logos – Just an excuse to post some pics really if I’m honest !

So, anything at little cost that gives you some direction as to how to find sponsors has to be at least looked at – which is why I looked on the net and came up with this ebook on finding sponsors – it has all sorts of guarantees attached, but at $47, and you have to wait until you have read the whole thing to find this out – how bad can it be ?
I’m going to get a copy and do a full review in time – but in the meantime if you want to jump in and take a chance – and being such a low price – why not ?

So – if you are actually looking at finding race car sponsorship you could do a lot worse ! – Put it this way, if you secure just $100 in sponsorship by reading it – you are already $53 ahead lol ! Scroll down for the link if you want to.

Finding race car sponsors that will just talk to you is not hard, but finding race car sponsors that will follow through with funding is a completely different matter……..Lots talk the talk, etc etc – you know the rest of that cliche I’m sure !

I should point out that if you buy this via my link I will receive a small commission, but I’m sure that doesn’t matter to you does it ? Thanks !